Tag Archives: tim westwood

Episode 257 – 2023 Predictions

In which our heroes review their 2022 predictions and make some for 2023. Dan looks like a wally in front of a real man, Graham fights everyone, Chris counts his wine and Adam is just an all round great guy who we all appreciate and love (I forgot what he contributed to this episode).

And holyfuckingshit, this episode was actually release in the same month it was recorded. It just goes to show, there is hope, the malaise doesn’t necessarily have to consume you entirely.

Lol jk the malaise has me for sure, editing this was just a temporary distraction, everything’s still decaying and futile, and oblivion is inevitable.

Episode 246 – Pyramids, Stonehenge, Milton Keynes

In which our heroes talk about the upcoming Live Listener Extravaganza in Milton Keynes, play a made up game then resolve, or possibly inflame, all geopolitical conflict by reorganising all of the countries.

Episode 18 – Daniel Mercer Memorial Episode

In which our heroes get progressively more drunk, Graham asks which rapper likes which crisps, Adam desperately tries to talk to everyone about Fast & Furious and Dan dies in a motorway pile up